Myths About Systembuilt Homes
Click on each myths below to it debunked

Myth: Systembuilt homes are less superior in quality compared to on-site built homes.
Myth Debunked:
Regardless of whether we’re talking about factory-built, panelized, or modular homes, in-plant construction quality is invariably superior to what can be done on a job site. Parts cut with a hand saw or a hand-held power circular saw at a job site cannot possibly be as precise as those cut with a $10,000 radial arm saw or $100,000 component cutter in a factory. Factory fastening methods are also demonstrably superior because they use pneumatic tools, which drive fasteners to precise depths – no under-driving and no shiners. What’s more, factory inspections cover every construction detail from floor framing to final paint, and trained factory inspectors or independent third party inspectors perform more than one-dozen unannounced inspections per house. The best that can be hoped for at a job site is three or four announced inspections. And these days, with so much construction going on, local inspectors don’t always have time to get there.
Myth: Systembuilt home materials are inferior in quality.
The best systembuilt home manufacturer does not use green lumber and protects all building materials from the weather; otherwise, materials would be too warped or bent to fit into their precise jigs for wall panels or trusses. In many on-site building locations, either green lumber is still used or building materials are not protected from the weather; as a result, for decades, the onsite construction homeowner has inherited problems after moving into their finished home.
Myth: Systembuilt homes are not as strong as stick-built homes.
Myth Debunked:
The systembuilt home uses the strongest of all construction methods based on the 2×6 platform framing system. Traditionally, modular units are over-built, so they can be hauled on wheels over roads to get to the site and so that a crane can lift them off the wheels and place them on a foundation. Only modular construction is sturdy enough to withstand such forces, which are equivalent to that of a healthy earthquake.
Myth: Systembuilt homes take longer to build.
Myth Debunked:
From the time you place your order, even when the factory is hopping busy, you can get a two-module home delivered to your site in eight weeks or less. After delivery you can move into it within a few more weeks. Compare that turnaround to the average site-built home which takes six to nine months to complete.
Myth: Systembuilt homes don’t appreciate in value the same as site-built homes.
Myth Debunked:
Other things being equal (primarily location), factory-built homes appreciate in value in lockstep with site-built homes.
Myth: Systembuilt homes aren’t as safe as site-built homes.
Myth Debunked:
Modular construction technology of glue-nailed sheathing and decking with redundant framing members makes a modular home a safe place to hang your hat if you live in an earthquake or tornado area. Modular homes are built to survive nature’s onslaught. The framework of today’s modular homes matches or exceeds site-built homes or panelized units because modular homes are engineered for safe use in each of the specific geographic regions where they are sold. Modular homes may be the safest on the market because of the federal laws requiring smoke detectors, escape windows, and incombustible materials around furnaces and kitchen ranges. Many site-built homes are constructed in areas where not even smoke detectors are required by local law.