Ranch-Style Modular Homes

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Everyday Homes

Our Everyday custom homes are a great entry point for first-time homeowners and people looking to build equity.

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

1749 Sq. Ft.

Everyday Homes

Our Everyday custom homes are a great entry point for first-time homeowners and people looking to build equity.

Bedrooms: 4

Bathrooms: 3

2255 Sq. Ft.

Everyday Homes

Our Enhanced Homes take home ownership to the next level with more square footage and high-end finishings.

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

1360 Sq. Ft.

Everyday Homes

Our Everyday custom homes are a great entry point for first-time homeowners and people looking to build equity.

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

1560 Sq. Ft.

Enhanced Homes

Our Enhanced Homes take home ownership to the next level with more square footage and high-end finishings.

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

1546 Sq. Ft.

Enhanced Homes

Our Enhanced Homes take a home ownership to the next level with more square footage and high-end finishings.

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

2112 Sq. Ft.

As the nation’s largest modular homes manufacturer, it’s no surprise that we have over 100 Modular Homes to choose from. Browse our floor plans and property specs to find the home that is right for you.


We have five different categories of custom-modular homes: Ranch-Style Modular Homes, Cabin Homes, Cape Cod Homes, Two-Story Homes, and Multi-family Homes. Within each category, you can choose from three different levels: Everyday Homes, Enhanced Homes, and Extraordinary Homes. With so many options to choose from, we know that we have your dream home! 


Unsure about a specific part? No worries, all homes are entirely customizable!